Mark Grayson is the son of Nolan Grayson aka Omni-man, one of the Earth’s greatest protectors. His father belongs to a super-powered alien race known as the Viltrumites. Being that Mark’s mother was human, there was always a possibility of him never acquiring his father’s abilities.

After living most of his young adult life as a regular teenager, one day he begins to exhibit strength, flight and invulnerability. With his father’s help he dons on a costume and begins to fight crime. After his civilian identity was warned that he was not invincible, his super-powered identity cleverly takes that very name, Invincible.

Character Evolution
Mark changed not only emotionally but also in his powers. His father tried to get a costume made for him, but Mark could not decide on his costume so the superhero tailor Art Rosenbaum, told him to come back later after he had picked out a name. After protecting a nerd from being bullied, Mark is sent to the principal’s office, where the principal tells him he is not “Invincible.” A major turning point is when he finally picks his name as Invincible, this act changes his persona into a bold, cocky and heroic individual that he would become.

Meet the Teen Team
Two months later Mark met the Teen Team, a young group of heroes consisting of Robot, Dupli-Kate, Rex-Splode and Atom Eve and helped them capture Maulers, two super strong super smart twins.

Invincible would also team up with his father to battle an alien invasion from a group called the Flaxans who captured Nolan before and wanted revenge for his leading a revolt and escaping. However their dimension’s time moves faster than ours; they created devices to halt their aging here, but those were soon destroyed and the Flaxans retreated.

At school the next day he recognizes Atom Eve, a member of the Teen Team The two become friends and fight their teacher when they discover he had been strapping bombs to students and blowing them up in some elaborate scheme for vengeance for the loss of his son and wife that left him. While Omni-Man was out of town Invincible fought Allen the Alien Instead of being an evil alien, he was really testing the, champions of planets. Omni-Man had always thought he was a bad guy because he didn’t know that was Allen’s job. After talking with Invincible, Allen realized he had been going to the wrong planet for fifteen years and left.

I Love College
After High School, Mark left for college. While visiting Upstate University with his friend William they were attacked by a Reanimen (a robot/zombie), which was created by an evil student named D.A. Sinclair , who had been using homeless men in his experiments to turn the dead into his slaves and added robot parts to make them easier to control. William was looking for Rick Sheridan, who was turned into a Reaniman, and acting as a homeless man, allowed himself to be captured by D.A. Mark fought the Reanimen and stopped D.A., and as a result, William learned his secret identity.

Meanwhile, Atom Eve quit the Teen Team after finding out that her boyfriend Rex-Splode was cheating on her with Dupli-Kate . She quit the team and started working with Invincible more. By the time she realized she had feelings for Mark, he had already been asked out by Amber-Bennett and they started dating. She never told Mark that she liked him. Soon after, the members of the Guardians of the Globe, (Earth’s best superhero team) were murdered. A new team was formed (made mostly of members of the Teen Team). Invincible was offered a spot but declined. Mark and Eve still worked with them on several occasions. Mark would also fight and easily thwart a group of terrorists called the Lizard League (Salamander, Iguana, Komodo Dragon, King Lizard) attempting to poison a towns water supply. He would soon meet Doc Seismic, who uses wrist bands to create earthquakes, and likes fighting famous super heroes.

New World Order
When it was discovered that it was Omni-Man who had destroyed the Guardians, Mark confronts him. Omni-Man then reveals to his son that the Viltrumites weren’t really peaceful explorers, but violent conquerors. Omni-Man had been assigned to take over Earth and he offered Mark the chance to do it with him. Mark refuses, and the two fight. Omni-Man tells Invincible that his whole live has been a lie, that he never cared about his mother, only that she was a ”pet” to him, that he never loved her (this is later all proven to be a lie after). Omni-Man easily wins, leaving Invincible in a coma for two weeks before leaving the planet himself.

Upon his recovery, Mark started working for the Global Defense Agency. His liaison is Cecil Stedman, who also used to be Omni-Man’s liaison as well. He was to use his machine to find his counterparts and use their knowledge to “better the human race”. Angstrom was being helped by Mark’s old foes the Mauler Twins; he freed them from prison so they would help him with their super-intelligence. When Mark attacked the twins and their other-dimensional counterparts that were summoned by Angstrom, Angstrom removed himself from his machine to plead for Invincible’s life. Sadly doing so caused a error in the machine and it exploded. After wards the New Guardians found Mark. Angstrom was found by a lone surviving Mauler. He was horribly disfigured (body and mind) but stated his plan is a success. He soon vowed revenge on Invincible, blaming him for the explosion

Mark the discovers his father has a new alien wife, Andressa, who is a member of a bug like race with a 9 month life span, and a child Oliver who looks like a human with purple skin, on another planet. Oliver ages like his mother but Nolan thinks that once his powers come forth he will age slowly, like a Viltrumite. They are then attacked by Viltrumites and Nolan has his back broken while saving Mark and is arrested. Nolan tells Mark to read his books before he is taken away. The Viltrumites then give Nolan’s assignment of taking over Earth to Mark and he is given a 100 year deadline. Mark reads Nolan’s books, and discovers that his father has been trying to use supposed science fiction to tell people how to hurt and defeat the Viltrumites. After being asked by Oliver’s mother, Invincible takes his alien half-brother back home with him so his human mother can help rebuild her home and keep him safe. His mother agrees to raise him. Mark and Amber then visit Eve in Africa who was helping the natives with the use her powers. However Eve was annoyed with her desire to be closer to Mark, but Amber being around made this harder for her.

Mark rushes home after a threatening phone call. When Mark arrives he finds his mother in Levy’s clutches. Angstrom attempts to weaken Invincible by dragging him through various dimensions. It is here Mark meets Spider-Man and the New Avengers. Invincible meets Spider-man’s family in the process too and realizes that he has a lot in common with this person. He teams up with Spider-Man to take down Doctor Octopus. After finally beating Doc Ock, Invincible finds a portal that takes him to his home dimension and sees that his mom is beaten up.

In anger and through irrationality Invincible beats Levy to death because of what he had done to his mother. Mark is then rescued by a group of Guardians from 15 years in the future, where Eve tells him that she loves him and to tell his Eve how he feels so she can move on.

Once he returns he attempts to tell Eve how he feels, instead the two wind up kissing. Then they are interrupted by a Martian invasion, leaving this unresolved. Mark then begins to read the books written by his father, it is right there when he realizes that what he is reading contains information about how to kill or hurt Viltrumites.

Later while Mark is dealing with a separate alien invasion alongside a group of aliens called Sequids, a small group of the Guardians in Montana are fighting the Lizard League who are trying to start a nuclear holocaust. The attempt to stop the enemy goes horribly wrong and Shrinking Ray is eaten, Dupli-Kate is seemingly killed and Rex Splode has his hand bitten off and is shot in the head, but he survives. However Komodo Dragon, Iguana and Salamander also died during the battle. After a misunderstanding and a battle with Allen the Alien, The Immortal leaves the team, due to what happened to Kate.

Eve returns to Earth after finding out that Mark has broken up with Amber due to some troubles because of Mark’s superhero life and her having feelings for a guy named Gary. The two talk, and Mark informs her about her future if she doesn’t move on. Later, Mark has lunch with his mom and talks about her new relationship. They are interrupted by a Viltrumite woman named Anissa. The two Viltrumites fight and she defeats Mark, then reminds him of his duty to take over Earth, but he (respectfully) declines.

Allen the Alien is taken prisoner by the Viltrumites as a part of his plan to find Nolan; after learning about his books and his rebellion against Viltrum, Allen hopes to be placed in the same prison as Nolan so that he can save him from being executed. Invincible and Rex Splode team up to defeat Multi-Paul , Dupli-Kate’s twin brother, who is angry over his sister’s death. It is then that it is revealed that Kate wasn’t dead, just her dupes. She is in hiding for an unknown reason after her supposed death. She wanted to stop her brother without taking him to prison, but when she arrived to help Invincible she found that he had already stopped her brother and was going to send him to prison.
When Oliver’s powers begin developing, he asks Invincible if he can help him fight crime. Invincible later accepts Oliver as his partner.

Fallout with the Government
Mark recently went looking for Atom Eve, and found her hiding in Africa. Cecil pages Mark, and tells him that Doc Seismic has captured all of the superheroes and are holding them underground. Invincible and Atom Eve go to help, and Mark destroys many of the monsters yet when he goes to fight Doc Seismic he is exhausted and passes out. After beating Doc Seismic, and finding out that Cecil has hired the evil creator of the Reanimen, and Darkwing II. Mark is stunned! He beats up Darkwing, and discovers that no one knows that he was actually a murderer. He leaves angrily. He talks with Atom Eve about making the biggest mistake of his life, and sees Cecil. Cecil brings him into the white room, and uses the Reanimen to attack Mark. It appears Cecil thinks that Mark has began to cross over to the dark side. Because he hasn’t, and has a horrible temper, this could be the end of Cecil.
Mark fights a horde of Reanimen, only to find that Cecil has another way of keeping him in check. He discovers that Cecil has placed something in his equilibrium. Mark flies away for help form the New Guardians of the Globe, and they help him only for the charge to Mark’s brain to go permanent, until Robot blocks the frequency. Mark lashes out and destroys almost all of the Reanimen. Cecil tells Mark that he is fired, and Mark flies into him and pushes him against the wall, he tells him that everything he’s been paid is his, to stay away from his family, and if he dare recruit Oliver than he’d kill him. Invincible goes back home, and tells the story to his mom, brother, and Eve. Eve and Mark go into the backyard, and he tells her all he could think of was her when he thought he was going to die, and they kiss.

When the hundreds of Reanimen failed to contain Invincible, Cecil Stedman used his final contingency against Invincible. Turns out the communication earpiece that Cecil gave Invincible can also be used as a weapon. It blasts pulse into his ear, upsetting his equilibrium. Invincible had to fly really fast to get out of Cecil’s range to tune out the pulse, but then Cecil uses his teleportation gadget to catch up.

The Guardians of the Globe takes Invincible’s side against Cecil Stedman after Invincible spills the beans about Cecil hiring criminals and murderers. The Guardians and Invincible make short work of Cecil’s army of Reanimen.

Oliver Grayson, Invincible’s half brother, experiences his first super hero fight and team up against the Tether Tyrant and Magmaniac.

New Partner, New Duds, Big Changes
Mark is now a free agent who is not working for the government any longer. He tells Oliver that he needs to train him how to use his powers, and Oliver says “As your partner?”, Mark says why not, and takes him to get his first costume. Oliver Grayson gets his first super hero costume, and chooses the name Kid Omni-Man in honor of his father, Omni-Man. Omni-Boy or Omni-Kid would have sounded better and Mark gets some cool new blue duds, which he doesn’t like at first. Mark and Oliver end up fighting two super villains, and Oliver makes many rookie mistakes, but Invincible forgives him. When Mark arrives home he hangs out with Eve, and they kiss again only to be watched by some floating robot which is a camera set to the office of Angstrom Levy who was presumed dead!

The Mauler Twins have a new weapon and appear to have take out the Guardians of the Globe. Mark suits up and flies over there, not so long after Oliver suits up as well and follows him. Invincible begins fights the Mauler twins, when they become frustrated and launch a nuclear missile. Just then Oliver arrives, and Invincible takes off after the missile. While Mark is in space, Oliver fights the Mauler Twins and ends up killing them both. When Mark arrives back at the nuclear base he sees the dead bodies, and tells Oliver to get in the sky. He tells him human life is precious, and Oliver disagrees Mark tell him that he sounds too much like his dad. Oliver asks Mark if he ever thought their father was right, Mark replies discreetly….sometimes.

Mark, is still surprised at what Oliver has done and leaves his date with Eve early. He returns home and talks to Oliver about what he did Mark yells at him and says they’ll continue the discussion later. Mark yells at Deborah for telling her new boyfriend his secret, she tries to apologize and Mark tells her to save it. Mark goes patrolling, and comes across Titan. Mark tells him that he has not forgiven him for taking over Machine Head’s corporation and they fight, until a huge dragon attacks Mark. Titan escapes and we see that he is going to start a war with Mr. Liu and his team which also consists of Multi-Paul. He comes across Eve in the sky and tells her he’ll meet her later. He returns home to talk to Oliver, and he forgives him but it seems Oliver notices the orb in the tree. Since then Mark & Eve have been going on many dates, and they have come to the conclusion that they love each other deeply. Invincible has gone into the future in order to save it, and almost kills the Immortal because he tells him to. Mark refuses to at first but when the Immortal starts to reveal stuff about the future Mark loses it and rips off his head.

When Eve and Mark arrive at home they sleep together for the first time. We flash off to the location in which Allen, and Nolan are being held. It is the day of Nolan’s execution and him and Allen are communicating telepathically. Allen reveals that him and Nolan have become very good friends while being held prisoner. Nolan says its time and Allen breaks out of his cell to help, and breaks the other prisoners out of their cells as well. Some prisoners do not want to help but one does. BATTLE BEAST! Allen, Nolan fight the Viltrumites and eventually escape after Nolan reveals that there are only 50 pure blooded Viltrumites left.

Young Love…
Mark receives a call from Amber and goes to see her. When he arrives she reveals that her father has died and her new boyfriend Gary has been abusing her physically. Mark asks where he is and flies off. Meanwhile, Oliver is patrolling the city when he comes across a giant robot destroying the city. He is being followed by one of Angstrom Levy’s floating orbs. The robot says he needs someone stronger than Oliver, when he hits him. Just then we flash to Mark who is holding Gary over a building by his leg. Mark says that even though he is out of Amber’s life he still cares about her and if he ever hurts her again he’ll kill him. Gary promises never to do it again and Mark tosses him across the roof into a pole. Mark finds out where Oliver is and goes to help. Oliver says that the human inside the suit just wants to get out, and Mark says that they’ll talk about it later. Mark goes and see’s Amber who is happy about what he did and she tells him that she’s giving Gary another chance. Mark goes to Eve’s house and tells her what happened and they cuddle for a while. Later, Mark see’s Oliver and apologizes to him about not teaching him things, Oliver see’s a reflection from the trees and Mark flies to get the orb it blows up in his hand and he says that someone was watching them. Invincible then goes to Cecil to see if it is him, the owner of the orb. Cecil tells Mark that it is not him and if he can help track down a fugitive. The fugitive turns out to be Wolf-Man.

Invincible War
Finally after planning, Angstrom Levy made his move. When Mark thought he killed him and left, Angstrom actually hadn’t died just yet and had enough energy to make one last portal. This one took him to a dimension where a group of aliens healed him of his wounds. Later using his powers he traveled to other dimensions and gathered a dozen evil versions of Invincible. They launched a massive assault on the planet lead by Angstrom with the intent on not just causing damage but also ruining the world’s view of Invincible. Many major cities where destroyed by the Invincibles like London, New York, Tokyo and more. Superheroes and super hero teams all around the world joined forces to fight the Invincibles. From the darkest streets of New York, Spawn faced a duplicate Invincible in the alleys, the duplicate stated the he already killed him once and he would do it again. Outside the planet that we call Earth, Tech Jacket faced a weaker version of Invincible. After Mark beats one of his counterparts, Capes Inc responded to a prison break caused by one of the Invincible’s from the other dimensions, but accidentally mistook Mark for another duplicate. Mark was later attacked by the Capes crew, only to have the time taken to explain that he was not a duplicate. Afterwards, they teamed up and responded to distress calls from across the globe. However, they were not the only ones to respond to the call, Youngblood, Cyberforce, the Dynamo 5, and Brit also engaged in mission set ahead. Sadly however millions of people died including Darkwing and Rex-Splode and only a couple Invincibles where killed. However after their first assault, Angstrom wanted them to go after this dimensions Invincible but they wanted to finish the take over. Unable to control them anymore Angstrom used his powers to strand them in another dimension but as he did that Mark and Oliver attacked him. Goaded by his anger and Oliver; Mark was ready to kill Angstrom but he escapes death losing his arm. He went back to the beings that healed him but due to his failure they informed him he works for them now. After Angstrom’s defeat, all local areas familiar to Invincible were utterly destroyed and unusable to any humans. Now is the time for reconstruction, but how will Mark/Invincible cope with this world breaking event.